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WordPad Shortcut keys

Wordpad is the basic word processor which is included with almost all versions of Microsoft windows. WordPad provides various functions ranges from basic to advance to make the work easy and make the document attractive and effective. There are some shortcut keys that will help you carry out the same function easily and save your time. For example, if you want to copy the whole document, you need to select the content with a mouse’s help and need to click on the copy option, which is present in the home tab. Instead of doing these all steps, you can just click ctrl + A to select the whole content and ctrl + C to copy the same. In this topic, we are going to learn about Wordpad shortcut keys.

Create a New documentCtrl + N
Open an Existing documentCtrl + O
SaveCtrl + S
Save AsF12
PrintCtrl + P
CloseAlt + F4
UndoCtrl + Z
RedoCtrl + Y
Select the entire documentCtrl + A
CopyCtrl + C
CutCtrl + X
PasteCtrl + V
Make selected text bold Ctrl + B
Italicize selected text Ctrl + I
Underline selected text Ctrl + U
Make selected text subscript Ctrl + +
Make selected text superscript Ctrl + Shift + +
Align text left Ctrl + L
Align text center Ctrl + E
Align text right Ctrl + R
Justify text Ctrl + J
Set single-line spacing Ctrl + 1
Set double-line spacing Ctrl + 2
Set line spacing to 1.5 Ctrl + 5
Show the current shortcut menu Shift + F10
Open WordPad Help F1
Display key tips F10
Change characters to all capitalsCtrl + Shift + A
Change the bullet styleCtrl + Shift + L
Insert a Microsoft Paint drawingCtrl + D
Find the textCtrl + F
Find the next instance of the text in the Find dialogue boxF3
Replace the textCtrl + H
Move the cursor one word to the leftCtrl + Left Arrow key
Move the cursor one word to the rightCtrl + Right Arrow key
Move the cursor to the line aboveCtrl + Up Arrow key
Move the cursor to the line belowCtrl + Down Arrow key
Move to the beginning of the documentCtrl + Home
Move to the end of the documentCtrl + End